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Wolf Fields Primary School Wolf Fields Primary School

Wolf Fields Primary School

Worth. Opportunity. Learning. Friendship.

Meet the Staff

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) & Mental Health Lead: Mrs Neil

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL): Mr Sandhu

Governor overseeing Safeguarding: Mr Redhead

SEN Governor: Mrs Hartmann


Headteacher: Mrs Neil  

Deputy Headteacher: Mr Sandhu

Middle Leadership Team

EYFS and KS1 Leader: Mrs Chin 

KS2 Leader: Mrs Hartmann


SENCo: Mrs Hutchinson (currently covered by Mr Sandhu)




Nursery Class Mrs Chin 
Reception Class: Ms Barry
Year 1: 
Mr Henry

Year 2:  Mrs Williams
Year 3
: Mr Kechoud 

Year 4Mrs Ben Youssef

Year 5Mrs Hartmann

Year 6Mr Connelly


French, Y6 Support & Release Teacher: Miss Lee


Teaching Assistants

Senior Teaching Assistant (in charge of EAL)

Mrs Rattan

Teaching Assistants

Ms Butler

Mrs Kanwar

Mrs Parmar

Mrs Sabharwal

Mrs Singh


School Support Team

School Business Manager: Mrs Hamilton

Lead Administrator: Mrs Davet

Admissions Officer: Mrs Jama


Chair of Governors

Mrs Young

Chair of Finance & Pupil Premium Lead

Mrs Young 

Chair of Curriculum, Safeguarding & Mental Health Lead 

Mrs Butt

Clerk for the Governing Body 

Mr O'Neill