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Wolf Fields Primary School Wolf Fields Primary School

Wolf Fields Primary School

Worth. Opportunity. Learning. Friendship.

Concerns & Complaints

Raising Concerns or Complaints


From time to time, parents and others connected with the school, may become aware of matters which cause them concern.


Parents should ideally raise their concern first with their child's class teacher, if it relates to issues or queries during class, play or school time.


Concerns can be brought to the attention of the Deputy Headteacher or the Headteacher, if this seems more appropriate; or messages left at the school office or on the Parent email.


We will always try to resolve your issue immediately, or at least by the next day. 


Remember that our home-school partnership is crucial in the best interests of your child(ren); so please speak up and let us help you.


Full details of other procedures may be obtained from the school office or the policy section of our website.