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Nursery places for children aged 3-4 years old are available with an immediate start. Please contact the school office. We also have places available in other year groups. Please apply to

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Wolf Fields Primary School Wolf Fields Primary School

Wolf Fields Primary School

Worth. Opportunity. Learning. Friendship.

Wolf Fields Primary School

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House points

  • WORTH 182
  • LEARNING 206

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Attendance Scores

  • Nursery 84%
  • Reception 92%
  • Year 1 97%
  • Year 2 83%
  • Year 3 88%
  • Year 4 89%
  • Year 5 89%
  • Year 6 91%

Our School Values


We respect ourselves, others and our school environment


We aim high and challenge ourselves to help us succeed


We always try our best and show resilience


We show kindness in our thoughts and actions

Our Awards

Welcome to Wolf Fields Primary School 2023-24

Wolf Fields Primary School’s results are in the top 10% of all schools in England.

Nursery places for children aged 3-4 years old are available with an immediate start. Please contact the school office. We also have places available in other year groups. Please apply to